Median Gold Valuation as of 6/1/23: $3,969/60 USD / troy oz

Median Silver Valuation as of 6/1/23: $180.05 USD / troy oz

Historical Valuations

This page shows graphs of the historical valuations of gold and silver by, and lists their values in a table. The graphs and table will be updated as each gold and silver valuation is made.

Date of Valuation Gold Valuation Silver Valuation
2/1/21 $5,405.27 $202.00
3/1/21 $5,296.76 $195.95
4/1/21 $5,445.50 $196.55
5/1/21 $5,237.84 $199.53
6/1/21 $5,454.75 $203.63
7/1/21 $4,981.80 $205.97
8/1/21 $5,215.86 $197.21
9/1/21 $5,342.07 $193.85
10/1/21 $4,253.95 $184.53
11/1/21 $5,781.44 $193.55
12/1/21 $6,326.94 $201.58
1/1/22 $6,475.55 $210.48
2/1/22 $6,150.80 $205.67
3/1/22 $6,845.78 $211.22
4/1/22 $6,451.93 $209.89
5/1/22 $6,320.61 $199.45
6/1/22 $5,334.54 $197.23
7/1/22 $3,829.90 $185.03
8/1/22 $4,790.12 $192.15
9/1/22 $4,969.60 $179.42
10/1/22 $3,890.39 $171.83
11/1/22 $4,128.73 $182.02
12/1/22 $3,830.91 $205.80
1/1/23 $3,642.81 $162.23
2/1/23 $4,103.03 $156.29
3/1/23 $4,043.58 $156.37
4/1/23 $4,365.21 $188.38
5/1/23 $4,340.72 $192.40
6/1/23 $3,969.60 $180.05

Disclaimer: We do not provide personal investment advice and we are not qualified licensed investment advisors. We are amateur investors. All information found here, including any ideas, opinions, views, valuations, predictions, forecasts, commentaries, suggestions, expressed or implied herein, for gold and silver or for anything else, are for informational, entertainment, or educational purposes only and should not be construed as personal investment advice. While the information provided is believed to be accurate, it may include errors or inaccuracies. We will not and cannot be held liable for any actions you take as a result of anything you read here. Conduct your own due diligence, or consult a licensed financial advisor or broker before making any and all investment decisions.